For the thirteenth time, the Dry February campaign draws attention to risky alcohol consumption in the Czech Republic and inspires people to abstain for a month. This year, it is introducing a new feature, "Letter to Yourself", which will help participants set individual motivation and track their own progress. Last year, 17 % Czech adults took part in the campaign, representing approximately 1.2 million people. In addition, half of the registered participants report that they have also reduced their alcohol consumption in the long term.

Since its inception in 2013, Dry February has been an awareness campaign that not only encourages monthly abstinence, but above all motivates people to reflect on their own habits and the possibilities for change. "SHey, February isn't just about giving up alcohol for a month. It's an opportunity to see where we stand and possibly take a step towards a healthier lifestyle, which most Dryers actually do.," explains Petr Freimann, director of the non-profit organization Dry February.
Although average alcohol consumption in the Czech Republic is slowly declining, we are still among the largest consumers in the world - each Czech drinks an average of 13.29 litres of pure alcohol per year. Children as young as 12 years old taste alcohol for the first time in the Czech Republic, and one in ten adults drinks alcohol every day.*
"Czechs drink heavily and at risk, and what is worse, the situation is not improving significantly. Changes in alcohol policy and regulation are necessary in the Czech Republic. In fact, the Dry February campaign is a shining exception and one of the few examples of a functional preventive action at the national level. Even a short break from alcohol can have a positive impact on physical and mental health, but for a significant proportion of Dry February participants, positive changes in alcohol use patterns and reductions in alcohol consumption persist over the long term. In terms of its scope and effectiveness, Dry February has the potential to improve the health of the entire Czech population," he says. Viktor Mravcik, addiction expert and director of research at Lending Hands.
According to Tomáš Šebek, physician and founder of the think-tank Minister of Health, alcohol is one of the main factors reducing healthy life expectancy. "We looked at health data and They countedthat a small beer will take approximately 26, a shot of 33 and two decibels of wine will take 50 minutes off our lives in full quality. Try to find out the impact of abstinence on your own. Then, if you fail once during the challenge, don't give up - the important thing is to pick up where you left off. Don't let one hesitation ruin the whole month." calls Tomáš Šebek.
A number of Czech and Slovak experts have long supported the campaign and many of them have also contributed to books Dry Februarywhich was released in 2021.

"Letter to yourself" as an individual guide and motivation
A simple but effective tool can help this year's Dryers achieve their goals.This year's edition introduces a new "Letter to Yourself" concept that encourages participants to choose their individual goals, helping them stay motivated and reflect on their progress. At the beginning of the challenge, each Dryer writes a letter on our website, setting their own reasons and goals for a month without alcohol and other harmful indulgences. Throughout February, participants will receive regular support through a motivational calendar and tips on inspirational activities to help them focus on new experiences and fun without alcohol. At the end of February, we will send Dryers their letters back with reflective questions so they can compare their expectations with the results,"describes Petr Freimann.
Benefits of abstinence that have long been reported by participants in previous years (Dryers) include**:
- Clean Head (78 % participants)
- Better sleep and more energy (58 % participants)
- Lower expenditure (59 % participants)
- Weight loss (35 % participants)
Dry February is an opportunity to discover what a month without alcohol can bring. On the website all the information to get involved will be available from the first week of February, further inspiration is on FB a IG Dry February. Participants can find the support of the entire drying community in the FB group Drying 2025.

* Czech Alcohol Report 2023, ** Dry February 2022 Campaign
Dry February has become an annual Czech tradition, offering a unique opportunity (with the support of a large part of society) to taste a month-long life without alcohol, to do something for your health, to test to what extent we have alcohol under control and to what extent alcohol controls us. Campaign impacts are available here.
Dry February/ gnews - RoZ
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